Some of the greatest obstacles to our ability to be happy come in the form of major life changes. For example, in the last nine months we have watched the world we are familiar with undergo changes that we would never have thought possible a year ago. For many of us, COVID-19 alone has contributed innumerable life altering changes.
Among these changes are the death of friends and family members, job loss, financial disaster and/or major health problems. In the blink of an eye, institutions we rely on for our well-being (schools, health care, government) changed in ways we could never have imagined. We have been forced to give up a way of life we love, and we have no idea of how life will be after the change. Will medical visits be virtual? Will children be in school or learning virtually? What about restaurants? Will we be able to attend church? Will fans return to sports stadiums? What about travel safety?
When we add civil unrest and political turmoil to the mix, almost all of us are experiencing some level of anxiety, fear, discouragement, and perhaps even depression. For all of us, the question becomes, “Where will we find the strength and resilience we need to deal with these changes?” “How do we proceed going forward?” I believe the answer lies in looking to the hero that lies deep within you, and calls forth your highest potential in times of stress and chaos.
The Hero's Journey
If you are wondering who this “hero within you” is, I would like to share the story of “The Hero’s Journey.” The story is best known as told by mythologist and author Joseph Campbell in his 1949 book, The Hero With A Thousand Faces. In this story, Campbell frames the stories of change in our lives as a three-part transformational sequence of self-realization. (Think Luke Skywalker of Star Wars, Harry Potter, the Lion King, Tom Hanks in Castaway.) The story of The Hero’s Journey teaches us how to travel safely and successfully through the adversities of life such as we are seeing now, while achieving the personal growth that allows us to become our highest, best self.
In the first phase of the journey, the hero is faced with giving up the life he (or she) knew and loved. The loss is devastating and irrevocable. The hero’s life is forever altered, but he is not yet able to imagine the person he will someday become, or how his life will look. (Sounds a little like current challenges, doesn’t it?)
In the second phase of his journey, the hero must face many ordeals. He must give up what his ego wants (in some cases, even addictions) in order to experience healing and insight. The hero’s task is to avoid being overwhelmed by the adversities in life (or by his own short-comings.) And he is blessed with a kind of grace that often appears in times of chaos. He then starts to learn the wisdom of accepting what cannot be changed.
In this transitional period, the hero is exposed to both danger and opportunity. The danger comes from the stress of the situation when anxiety, depression and despondency easily take over. The opportunity is one of metamorphosis, a maturation process of discovering one’s potential. Just as a caterpillar becomes encased in a chrysalis and liquefies before emerging as a butterfly, the hero must also experience the death of his old life. Only then can he make the profound transition to wisdom and compassion, the maturation process that comes in the third phase of The Hero’s Journey.
In the third phase of the journey, the hero returns from his rite of passage transformed. He is not the same as he was before, but, instead, brings with him authentic authentic wisdom, compassion and strength to share with others in the community.”
Why Is The Hero's Journey Important To Us Now?
Almost all of us have found our happiness greatly in jeopardy in these times of adversity and chaos. Whether you get stuck in fear, anxiety, depression and/or dissatisfaction with your life, or rise above the adversity with wisdom, grace and true happiness will depend on what you do next and what you tell yourself about these challenges in your own life.
This is an opportunity to remind yourself that although we all are facing many changes in our lives, our challenge is to rise above the difficulties. You can choose grace in these times of change. You can allow the emergence of the beautiful human spirit and the will toward well-being and happiness despite the upheaval in your life. And you can allow yourself to experience the metamorphosis of evolving into a wiser and more compassionate self. And best of all, you will find that when you come out on the other side, life will be even more precious, and loved ones will be even more treasured.
Summary and Suggestions
This is a time in history when each of us is being faced with a barrage of events outside of our control. Any of these events is capable of crushing us with fear, anxiety and feelings of being unable to cope. The story of the hero’s journey teaches us that we can travel safely and successfully through these challenges. And it brings us the promise of emerging with more strength and wisdom with which to lead our own life and share with others in our community.
I personally love the story of the Hero’s Journey because it keeps us reminded that despite the many current day challenges, we are the architects of our lives. With courage and faith, and hopefully a wise mentor, we can emerge from all that life is throwing at us right now stronger, wiser, more compassionate and with a deep happiness that comes from the soul.
Here Are Some Tips That Might Be Helpful As you make your own hero's journey
- Recognize that you are always in transition. Everything is always in transition. That is what life is all about.
- Accept that while you may no longer feel a sense of control over your circumstances, you always have control over how you respond to your life circumstances.
- Honor what was but come to peace with life as it is. None of us like change but coming to grips with impermanence and transition are key ingredients to wisdom and long-term happiness.
- Make the shift from blaming others or God for your problems to accepting responsibility for your role in the creation of a present and a future that is different from your past.
- Live in the moment with appreciation and gratitude because all too quickly, the things you took for granted can suddenly be gone.
- Understand that perhaps what happens “out there” isn’t what life is all about. It is really what happens “in here” (your heart, your mind) as you find the grace to accept life on its own terms.
- Find and nurture a new vision for the future.
- Consider sharing the wisdom you gain along the way in your personal journey with others who may just be beginning theirs.