Have you noticed your hair seems to be getting a little thinner? Your face a little more wrinkled? Do you find you don’t multi-task as well as you used to? Or you walk into a room to get something, but can’t remember what it was? Do state troopers look younger than your son?
Welcome to midlife!
It has been a VERY long time since I experienced this rite of passage, but I have some observations about midlife that I believe are still valid today. Midlife is often a time when we are more aware of what we have lost (including our waistlines) than what we have gained. With our many negative cultural stereotypes, it’s easy to get focused on the downside of aging. In the arrogance of our youth, we seldom appreciate any possible benefits there might be to growing older.
On the Bright side - -

With the increase in life expectancy, age 50 has become the new 40, and 60 is the new 50. Midlife no longer has to be a time when everything goes down-hill. Even the 70s and 80s aren’t as unimaginable as we once thought! Instead, these years can be a time to blossom and fully open your heart to new possibilities and experiences.
The upside of midlife and beyond
At midlife, and beyond, we often realize just how precious and fragile life is. With this realization often comes a shift in values and priorities. You may find that you’re seeing things with a new perspective. And you recognize that midlife and beyond is an opportunity to take charge of your life as never before. You begin to match your talents and intellect with compassion, humility and wisdom. As strange as it seems, the fact that we’re no longer young seems to give us a new commitment to our own potential and to the process of life.
Midlife is the time to recognize the magic of your own personal greatness. It’s a time to let go of the self-centered, entitlement attitudes of youth, and begin making the transition to the role of caretakers of the world. It’s about embracing the role of teacher and mentor to those coming behind us. It’s about the strengthening of compassion and a sense of connectedness with one another. We are advised by many sages that we must be the change we want to see happen in the world. Otherwise the change will not happen.”
It starts with us
There is a beautiful hymn that begins with the words, “Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me.” I believe that peace truly does start in the hearts of each and every one of us. It starts each time we interrupt a mean-spirited thought or hurtful word, and we replace it with kindness. It starts when we replace hitting with a tender touch. It starts with forgiveness, good will and respect for one another.

I’ll be the first to admit that I don’t have this peace thing mastered, but I have learned some pretty good stuff from the dogs I’ve had over the years.
- Live simply.
- Love generously.
- Care deeply.
- Speak kindly.
Our Vision for the new year

As we begin a very challenging new year, may we keep a higher vision for ourselves. May we all join together in this heartfelt wish for the coming year: Let there be peace on earth and let it begin in the hearts and actions of each of us.
May you be safe, happy and healthy.